We offer graphics and website assistance on a wide range of projects including creating and updating websites, logos, brand identity, digital marketing, infographics, images, animations, printed marketing collateral, invites, adverts, stationery.
Recent ProjectsOur clients operate in a wide variety of sectors including professional and financial services, technology, trades, cooperatives and international corporations.
Graphics Assistance

Template Design
We can create templates for your team’s use in Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office and digital marketing platforms, such as Mailchimp, Tikit, Dotdigital and Vuture.
As well as creating new websites, we can edit or add items to your existing WordPress site.
We can produce layouts in mulitple languages. Previous work produced in Arabic, traditional and simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian and Spanish.
Get in touch
If you have any questions, please do get in touch. Complete the online form or email melissa@lissbeedesign.co.uk.